
Both girls are sneezing, coughing, snotty, and feverish. So I'm going to be relatively out of touch today. Besides, it's not like I don't have a dozen tasks on my list, and a limited amount of time to finish them.
The doctor visit was good yesterday, in that we got scripts for a couple of medicines, a referral to a dietitian (this was particularly important to me) and some new ideas to try and combat the night time itching.
I'm going to go and try to clean up the place a bit, as I always feel better when things are tidy and clean. Whether or not that will help the girls, I don't know. But at least I'll feel better!
Gotta go, my babies need me!


Paul Brads said…
Hope every one feels better soon..

Prayers, hugs, and lots of (chips)LOVE. xoxoxo
Tell me more about the doctor when you can, OK? but don't worry...I understand sick babies. HUGS!
Amanda said…
I really hope everyone is better ASAP!


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