Living intentionally

I often feel used up, dried out, and lifeless. But do I get that way from living a fuller, richer life, or do I get that way from living accidentally? Allow me to explain a bit.
I love Facebook. I've been able to catch up with old friends, even keep in touch with family, and make new friends from old acquaintances. I've been able to make people laugh, share recipes, and commiserate when the going gets rough. But lately I've been wrestling with how much time I spend there. It's like I'm using Facebook to escape to another world where I am loved, valued, and appreciated. Which wouldn't be a big deal, I suppose, if I didn't have two little people who need me. And a house that needs maintaining. I'm not saying that I should give it up completely, but I think I need to take a long, hard look at how it's impacting my primary purpose, which is first, to glorify God, and secondly, to be a wife, then a mother and the keeper of the home. If those things are suffering, then it's time to reevaluate my priorities.
Instead of moaning about my circumstances, I want to live on purpose, and make better choices that in turn, create better circumstances. Will I complain about the house being messy and disorganised, or will I choose to get up and do something about it? Will I be annoyed when the children keep badgering me, or will I choose to look at them, stop what I'm doing, and simply Love them? Will I be irritable when I don't hear what Lachlan says to me, or will I choose to start listening with my heart?
I want to live intentionally. To recognise that each and every moment is a choice and an opportunity. A choice between what is truly important, and what is not. An opportunity to show the world what my faith looks like. A choice between accidental, circumstancial living, and real, honest, intentional living. An opportunity to thrive, and not wither and die, buried by the the triviality of daily living.
Thanks for listening,


(I'm just crying over here...that is all...)
Amanda said…
Boy... we WERE on the same wavelength huh?? Love your thoughts here Sarah... you spoke right to my heart!


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