Musical Time Travel

Come take a trip down memory lane with me -
The year is 197? - I don't remember details, but the next song I remember is Heigh Ho (from Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs). I had this record that had images from the movie on both sides - I'm fairly certain I would sing along, karaoke style, to Someday My Prince Will Come, twirling around my room like you do if you can talk to animals. On an unrelated note, McDonald's had this ad campaign for a while, something to do with one of their collectible items, where they asked people to name the seven dwarves. There was this one person (I can't remember if it was a man or woman), who just rattled them all off - SleepyHappyGrumpyDopeySneezyBashfulDoc. Just like that. All in one breath. And it kind of stuck in my head. So now that's the way I remember their names, which can be another cool party trick. If, that is, I went to parties. :)
Not much else in the way of news today. I'm trying to get the girls to have a sleep, but it's not working very well. Pippa is shouting, and Charlie is shouting back. Perhaps if I separate the two of them?


Amanda said…
lol...perhaps if I separated them?... you make me laugh. :)


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