The Week Ahead...

Monday - Shopping Day! (And yes, it should be capitalised - if you've ever been shopping with little people, you'll totally understand)
Tuesday - Pippa's Allergy Testing (we're testing for cow milk protein, soy, egg, and wheat), along with checking her iron levels. Tuesday night, I've got my exercise class.
Wednesday - An hour's worth of appointments for me(annual checkup), and the girls (skin check, referral to nutritionist). Then Bible Study, then home.
Thursday - Playgroup, Exercise class
Friday - Home ALL day!
Saturday - Beach in the afternoon, followed by fish and chips
Sunday - Church in the morning, walking in the afternoon.
So as you can see, we're pretty busy this week. Plus there's the bulletin for church this weekend, plus I've been asked to write a little advent devotional, plus make little party bags for Charlie's cousins, plus make playdough for playgroup. And I must really begin walking again in the morning. It makes the day really long, but I need that bit of headspace in the morning, I think.
So tonight I'm all about cleaning, catching up on laundry, letting Lachlan handle dinner, getting everything and everyone ready for the week ahead. And I just found out a friend of mine is pregnant again! Oh, and I'm starting back on the vitamins this week. I might be able to post every couple of days, but we'll see - I've got a fair bit on my plate!


Amanda said…
Sounds like a wonderful week!!! I love that not only are you keeping busy with 'normal' stuff... but adding some great work for the Lord in there as well!


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