Just what I needed

Lachlan is down for the count today, with recurrent viral pinkeye. This meant that he could not watch the girls while I went to church and sang. I couldn't take the girls, because Charlie's got a minor summer cold, and Pippa is still potentially contagious from her chickenpox vaccination, which has caused her eczema to go weepy and out of control. So if I did take them, I couldn't send them to creche (nursery). And there's no way on God's green earth that they'd sit through an entire service. So I sent a message to the music leader, explaining why I wouldn't be there this morning, and sent a message to the photographer who was going to do our family portrait this afternoon to let her know we'd have to reschedule. Then I did what any sane mother would do, and dressed them in their new pretty dresses, and headed out to Coffee Club to get some breakfast. I also thought we'd go to Target, to get an outfit for me to wear next week when we actually do have our photo taken, and possibly a pair of dressy sandals for Charlie to wear with her Christmas dress.
The part of this tale that was just what I needed is that while we were sitting at the table, eating our breakfast, the girls were so well behaved. No bickering, no tantrums, no crying. Just please, thank you, soft voices, and (relatively) good table manners. They were phenomenally well behaved. Much to the delight (and surprise?) of the other patrons. Plus they looked so cute in their matching dresses, it was just a sight to behold. As we left, an older woman said to me that they were so well behaved, and it was a credit to me. I nearly burst into tears, it meant that much. I thanked her, and we left. But that comment stayed with me. I daresay that remark will stay with me for a long time.


Heh! See! Just as I suspected..you're the mom of the year!!! xoxoxo Love you!
Amanda said…
You earned it!! They did great because YOU set a great example!

Krista said…
and perhaps it will be a bit cooler for the day you've rescheduled! One can always hope!
Heath Hile said…
You always were a tad emotional, probably because your a woman and all men know women are all secretly crazy. /grin.

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