Maybe not a tomboy after all?

When I was a kid, I remember my mom putting all this pressure on me to be a little 'girl' - dresses, no dirt, etc. I was a tomboy, much to her despair. Maybe I even did it to annoy her, but I'd like to think it was just my personality.
So when I had a little girl, I had visions of frilly pink dresses, but for practicality, went with less 'girly' attire. And true to that, Charlie has been fairly rough and tumble. But...
For Christmas this year, Lachlan and I thought it would be cute to dress the girls in matching dresses. So I went looking. I initially thought of a sort of fairy costume type thing, but they're too expensive. I found these precious sundresses, white with a melon-coloured floral print, and a bit of trim around the bottom. they tie in the back with a sash, and are just adorable!
I tried them on the girls when I got home from the shop, and Charlie LOVED it. She started spinning around in circles, flaring the skirt out, and saying "I love my pretty dress". And it led me to wonder...have I pushed my tomboyishness on them? I mean, I'm the one who buys the clothes - maybe they're not so much tomboys after all? Maybe it was just me going too far in the other direction from my own mother, and I somehow bypassed a happy medium.
Seeing my 'big' little girl, twirling around the lounge room, curls bouncing gleefully, with a million dollar smile is an image forever etched into my memory. Thankfully, I can call on that memory when she is being less than cute.


Hope Lach is ready for the prom dresses...oh the prom dresses (I have photo evidence...)

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