
Did not go very well. In fact, it went the opposite of well. I couldn't get my brain organised, and the kids were taking turns annoying the daylights out of each other, misbehaving, shouting, crying, whinging. The high point of today's excursion was turning around to see Charlie Brown with a pair of underpants on her head. How can you NOT laugh at that?? The second highest point of the morning was Charlie Brown getting all excited and saying , OOOOHHH, CHRISTMAS STUFF, MOMMY! The lowest point would probably be getting a babycino dumped on me. So we decided to call it a morning, come home, regroup, and try again later today. I also told Charlie that we might make some Christmas cards today, to which she responded by screwing up her little face in a gleeful expresssion.
Now - off to do some housework before lunch, and during the girls' naptime I'll work on that devotional I mentioned. earlier. I've read through the passage, and I've got a rough idea in my head of what I'd like to write. I also thought I'd make the playdough for playgroup today, so I don't have to worry about it at the last minute. Imagine that - me, prepared for something!!
Oh, and I've got another thing to add to the week's calendar  - on Saturday, there's a music rehearsal at church.


Sarah, go to

This guy, he's kind of a famous writer (he's kinda crass, but has a heart of gold) is doing this blogging interview experience so need to sign up to do it. It would do you good.

Shopping sucks with kids no matter never goes as planned! I love you!
Amanda said…
Cant wait for your devotional...and I am praying (with) for you!


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