To my beautiful daughter, on her 3rd birthday

Hey there kiddo, it's me, Mum.
When you were very tiny, no bigger than a grain of sand, a doctor told your dad and me that you had died. We were sad, but we thought that you'd be in heaven with Jesus, and that made it okay. I was very sick, and very tired for weeks, and sad because I missed you. But then God did something amazing. He told me that you had been there all along, and that you had never left us at all! I loved you so much, I read stories to you, I talked to you, I sang songs to you - all while you were in my tummy. When you were born, I had to work so hard to push you out - I was very tired. You were so tiny, and you seemed so fragile. I wanted to wrap myself around you and just keep you all to myself!
You didn't crawl until later, but once you did it didn't take long for you to stand, walk, then run!
You talk a lot - sometimes it's hard to get you to be quiet!
You are very gentle, especially with little babies. You love to kiss your animals, and look after them.
You want to do things yourself, even when it's a bit too hard.
You have a stubborn streak, just like me, and your PoPo before me!
You are a bit clumsy, just like I was (am?).
You are afraid of loud noises.
You are very ticklish.
You love to sing songs, and to dance.
You are full of life and full of love.
You have an adventurous spirit.
You love animals, even worms!
You are very challenging sometimes, but I always love you.
That's most of all what I want to tell you - that I love you. I never want you to doubt that, for even a nanosecond.
I love you when you shout at me.
I love you when you wee on the floor or on the bed.
I love you when you throw yourself on the ground crying.
I love you when you run away and slam the door.
I love you when you say "NO"
In fact, I think I love you more in those moments because that's when you need the most love.
It's easy to love you when your angelic curls frame your face as you lie on the pillow.
It's easy to love you when you hold my hand as we walk through the shops.
It's easy to love you when you look at me and say "I love you bewwy much, Mommy"
It's easy to love you when you throw yourself on me and give me great big hugs.
You are a lovely child, and I'm so glad that God let me keep you!



Amanda said…
After this I think I love her too! :)

Beautiful tribute!


I love that you said that you love her when she's not "easy" because that's when she needs the most love...isn't that the precious truth.

Happy Birthday Charlie Brown! xoxoxo

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