The voices tell me that it's Friday

Just kidding. About the voices, that is. It is Friday, not that Friday is anything special for me. Let's face it - I do the same thing on Saturday that I do every other day. Sunday is special because I get to go to church. Which is also a lot of hard work, especially when I'm on my own with two small people, but it's important to me, so we go.
I did a huge project today, as the weather was pretty dismal for anything else. First of all, the wardrobe in the girls' room was a mess. Often used for stuff that seemed like it should go there, but was never properly stored in there, it had become an absolute dump. So I emptied it, rearranged things, went through two huge bins of clothes, threw some away, put some in a bag to donate,
==== I'm going to interrupt here to tell you that Charlie just brought me a 'pizza shoe' on a serving platter. I need desperately to laugh at small stuff today, so that was perfect.
So - ah yes, a bag of stuff to donate. Then there's the stuff that we were holding on to, for no discernible reason. The baby bath seat, which I hated, and since we have no full-sized bathtub, is useless.
The playmat w/mobile that doesn't work properly, and was filthy beyond gross. I tossed the mobile part, but washed the mat with the hope that we might be able to use it again. The breast pump which I bought but never could get the hang of. The sheepskin we can't use because wool irritates the girls' skin. The walker that we just didn't use much the second time around, mostly because I couldn't keep Charlie out of it and got tired of telling her she was too big. The infant -to-toddler rocker/chair that the girls insist on putting upside down and mucking around with until someone gets hurt. Some of it got donated, some got tossed, some got stored, and some got repurposed. I sorted through the clothes, piece by piece (how is it possible they have more clothes than me?) and put them into bags by size. One container has sizes 00000 to 0, and the next is size 1 to 3 (so far), plus shoes that either don't fit anymore but are in reasonable shape, or shoes which will hopefully fit soon. Charlie has long skinny feet, but Pippa has short wide feet. So practically none of Charlie's old shoes fit her. Possibly might fit anyone else to come along (not yet!), so I'll hold on to them a bit longer. The sheepskin, the walker, the breast pump, the bath seat, and the clothes are going to a secondhand shop. The butterfly that came off the mobile and the cover for the Winnie the Pooh sofa went into a plastic bag labelled 'repair' (the sofa needs new foam inserts, but I haven't had the time/money to get to it yet).
So, I emptied the wardrobe, and from right to left, got it all sorted. stored items went in the right hand doors, in two plastic bins and on the shelf overhead. The middle section is now for the clothes and shoes they are wearing right now, as it has drawers which were previously unused. The left hand doors, which were previously a mishmash of clothes and 'stuff', are now utilised as bookshelves and stuffed toy storage, with the hope that if the girls wake up before 6am at least they'll have something to play with until a more reasonable hour. Probably not, but I can dream. This also means that there are fewer toys out here, and I get two shelves on my bookcase in the lounge room back.
And, I did all of this while the girls were awake and 'helping'. So I'm totally going to forget that I'm on a diet tonight, and absolutely stuff myself with pizza and Coke. And maybe some garlic bread too.


Krista said…
Hey, can you explain the sizing to me? My penpal sent me a baby outfit for my son size 00 and I couldn't figure it out! Compared to other clothes my son had it was about a 6-9 month size... is that right?
And why do they make them those numbers instead of by age like we do here? :)

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