I might have to glue the furniture to the floor

Pippa has suddenly developed an annoying habit. Pushing things across the floor. Like the chalkboard easel. And her activity table. And chairs. I don't really mind, except for the fact that it's loud. And I don't handle noise very well. It makes me twig, big time. So like I said, I might have to glue the furniture to the floor. Or just get rid of it. We could eat standing up, right?
I'm seriously rockin' the 'to-do' list today. We're all dressed. I've booked appointments. I've even had breakfast! I'm feeling a bit tired (enough with the tired already, hey?), but not overwhelmingly. So I'm feeling pretty up today. It's a nice change, and I'm going to use that today to get things done and sorted. I feel this intense need to get things in order. Like my bookshelf. I'll have to post before and after pictures when it's all done, because it's a massive job. But its one that's been nagging me for ages.
We went for a walk yesterday afternoon, and I was horrible about it. I didn't want to go, and I was pitching a hissy fit, and being very childish. But in the end, we had the opportunity to talk a bit, and we walked nearly 8 kilometres!
We put Charlie's bed back into the girls' bedroom, and she slept in there all night. She woke up at some point in the night, but went back to her own bed after a bit of comforting. Pippa also woke up, and periodically cried out, but went back to sleep eventually. We just have to be consistent, and they'll get the message. This is really all working towards a larger goal, night-time potty training. If she's going to wet the bed, it's not going to be MY bed!


Amanda said…
Wow!! You go girl!! Way to be so proactive and healthy!!

Much love to you!
Amanda said…
Wow!! You go girl!! Way to be so proactive and healthy!!

Much love to you!

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