Just what I needed
Lachlan is down for the count today, with recurrent viral pinkeye. This meant that he could not watch the girls while I went to church and sang. I couldn't take the girls, because Charlie's got a minor summer cold, and Pippa is still potentially contagious from her chickenpox vaccination, which has caused her eczema to go weepy and out of control. So if I did take them, I couldn't send them to creche (nursery). And there's no way on God's green earth that they'd sit through an entire service. So I sent a message to the music leader, explaining why I wouldn't be there this morning, and sent a message to the photographer who was going to do our family portrait this afternoon to let her know we'd have to reschedule. Then I did what any sane mother would do, and dressed them in their new pretty dresses, and headed out to Coffee Club to get some breakfast. I also thought we'd go to Target, to get an outfit for me to wear next week when we actu...