Some free verse

What do you want from me?
Holding, Snuggling, Cuddling
Rocking Swaying Bouncing Patting
Are you itchy? Let me put some cream on you.
Are your new teeth sore? Let me give you some teething gel and Nurofen.
Are you hot? Let me take your socks off.
Are you cold? Let me get your blankie.
Are you hungry? Let me get some milk.
Are you wet? Let me change your nappy.
You're still not happy - what else could it be?
Unless of course, all you want is... Me.
I still don't know why you were so upset.
And I know that at 3 in the morning, it seems impossible and eternal.
But in the light of the early morning,
with you snuggled close to me,
the whole world melts away
we're in our own private universe,
where nothing can touch us.
I love you...


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