It's really hard to figure this out

How to describe my everyday life without sounding like I'm complaining. Which is why I've not posted a lot lately. I don't want to be a negative person all the time, but how pleasant can you make some stuff sound before you hit the sarcastic threshold? Like if I said, "I love it when the kids don't listen to a single word I say" - clearly, I'm being sarcastic. I'm totally thankful for my family.(I've dropped the sarcasm here)  With its unique challenges, or as some would say, opportunities for growth. With its tantrums and tears, with its looniness and laughter. I love them. I love my life. Except for the times when I wish everything was different. :-)
On to other items...
I'm tired. I know, nothing new there. But this is a whole new level of tired. And I'm not sure whether it's something I should ask my doctor about. On one hand, I don't want the doc to laugh at me and say "You've got two children under the age of 3, DUH of course you're tired". On the other hand, I'd love to wake up from sleeping feeling refreshed and energised. Instead I wake up like the poster child for espresso anonymous. What's up with that? It's like this awful catch 22 - I would be less tired if I exercised more, but I'm so tired I just can't get up and move. It's not like I can take a sleeping pill, because I need to be alert if necessary in the middle of the night. I'll keep pondering this, and at some point, make a decision to either be tired, or try and fix it. I can say that after sleeping alone in the guest room (because I didn't want to be disturbed by Charlie, my marriage is fine!), It was some of the best sleep I've had in months.
Pippa went to the creche today at church, and for the first time, didn't go all clingy on me. She marched in, started playing, and didn't look back. *Sniff* She did however, run at me with a huge smile when I went to pick her up, so that's okay. She's also now officially off the bottle. I'd thought that she'd want it at bedtime, but as it turns out, the new cup I bought for her is totally different in mechanism, so once she figured it out, she then couldn't work out how to get milk from the bottle. Problem solved.
Charlie wore undies to church today, which is a big step - the toilets are not quickly accessible from the sanctuary. She announced shortly after arriving, "I need to do WEE". Naturally, it was a quiet pause in the service. :-) She says the funniest stuff sometimes!
Lachlan was super busy in the garden today. He planted some trees and shrubs, and did more tidying up around the place. He's so amazing in the garden - he's growing corn, tomatoes, pumpkin, lettuce, sweet peas (have you ever eaten them fresh?), and who knows what else - The tomatoes are actually self-sown, from the compost, as are the pumpkins. I can't wait to see what kind of fruit they bear!
Other than that, it's just normal stuff. We're going up to Queensland this weekend, so I've got a bit of preparation to do. We're going so that I can help Lachlan's mum do some catering. Lachlan will be looking after the girls, so I need to make sure I've got all their things organised, and written out instructions (his request), a rough schedule, and packed all the right foods, medicine, etc. Plus an astonishing amount of laundry to do, and I need to get the house clean for our departure. Oh, and it's shopping day again, so we'll be eating like royalty this week!
I need to go, the kids are hungry and I'm more than ready for them to go to bed. I'm running on fumes, in the parenting department. I'm at less than "E". :-)
Good night,


HI, my name is Heather, and I cannot quit the espresso. (welcome Heather).
Me too...

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