A Day at Home

Lachlan has driven to work today, which gives us girls a much-needed/much-feared day at home. Much needed because I think my bottom is starting to conform to the shape of the driver's seat in the car. Much feared because it means that we're going to be here...all day. I'm hoping to take the girls for a walk later on, but mostly I want to get caught up with housework. It must sound to you like I either a) am a bit obsessive or b) my house is truly filthy. I assure you that neither is true, it's just clutter and chaos that comes from having two small people living in your house. You know, laundry, food colouring, books, toys, clothes, beds needing to be made, and so on.
I'm also going to a 'Girls Night In' party tonight, to help raise money for cancer research. It should be a really good time, and because I'm bringing a fruit platter and a veggie platter, I won't have to worry about breaking my diet.
I don't think I'm going to worry about a birthday party for Charlie this year. She'd be just as happy with a small family party, and I'm having a bit of trouble organising it. We don't really make a big fuss about birthdays around these parts, and in a way I feel like I'm the Worst Mother Ever for not making a fuss, but it's just how we roll.
I must have breakfast, or I'm going to binge on something stupid.


We totally did the low key birthday for the kids. Each of them got cooked their favorite meal (though only one actually ATE) and a cake. No fuss. No muss.

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