
Which means National Blog Post Month.
I've signed up for a challenge that will, I hope, encourage me to write more. Not just quantity, but quality.
Speaking of writing, I've kinda sorta decided what kind of book I want to write. A funny book. A book that makes people laugh. About ordinary stuff. Like the following:
Why, in all the time since toilet paper was invented, has no one thought to invent a roll of toilet paper that kids can't unroll? A child-proof toilet paper. That's what the world needs. I can't be the only parent to ever have walked in to the bathroom and found a massive pile of unrolled toilet paper. What are you supposed to do with it then? Me - I'm a cheapskate, so I rolled it up around my hand, and placed the new 'roll' on top of the toilet paper holder. I'm not throwing away a whole roll just because it was on the floor! It's not as though I have to worry about wiping germs on my parts, is it? Which brings me to another point about toilet paper. I know I'm not the first person to have commented on this, but here goes: Scented toilet paper - why? It's not as if my parts care what they smell like. And it's not like someone else is going to be sniffing around my parts, so again I ask - why???
See, hopefully you laughed at that. If I can provide even one person with laughter once a day, the world will be a happier place.
Now excuse me please, I've got to go roll up some toilet paper...


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