A Mystery...

Where is the missing library dvd?
It's been missing since July, although I admit that after an initial (and in my opinion thorough) search, I stopped looking and just planned on forking out the cash for it.
To add to the mystery, I'm only searching for the dvd itself. Not the case. Apparently I returned the case empty. Genius, right?
My first thought was that perhaps I had put it inside another of the cases we borrowed from the library. They checked - not there.
My next thought was that perhaps it fell out of the case while in transit (in the car), and slid under the seat or something. Nope.
I searched in and behind every single dvd we own. Not there.
I searched in and behind every cd we own. Not there either.
Then we got crazy. I searched in the plastic box full of the girls books.
I moved the tv stand to see if it had been wedged underneath.
I searched the plastic tub of clothing in the lounge room.
I searched our reusable shopping bags (I use them as library bags sometimes).
I searched all the prams.
The library rang today, checking on the status. All of a sudden, I don't want to have to pay for it. So the search begins anew. If nothing else, my house is going to get one heck of an organisation and spring clean out of this.
If anyone reading this has any suggestions on where to look, or even just wants to offer up some sympathy, feel free to chime in. I'll be buried in some remote corner of my house, fending off the dust mites and daddy longlegs.


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