Busy, Busy day!

It's just dawned on me that yes, it's THIS weekend that Lachlan is whisking me away for a little romance. Which means that his mum is coming here to look after the girls. And I haven't done anything to prepare. Normally, I'd be preparing this place like the Hilton, days and days in advance. But here we are, on Wednesday, and she's coming tomorrow, and I haven't done anything! Today is also Bible study day, and I'd really like to go. I've decided that I'm being proactive and cutting the morning sleep out for good. Which is fine, except that it means we have to stay out of the house until lunchtime, and hang on a second why is it so quiet? Weird - they were both just sitting quietly watching a program. Anyway, where was I? Oh yes. Staying out until lunchtime, which means I've got to pack a box o' goodies, to keep them fed and happy. So we've also got to go to the shop, to pick up a few things, and I hope they are happy enough to get that little task done. And then we can come home, and just crash. Or at least they can, and I can clean the house.  And I'm not sure yet what we'll have for dinner. it's got to be something easy, quick, and not very 'spensive. In other words, probably meatless. Hmmmm... Yeah, I've got nothin'. Maybe I'll catch some inspiration later. But for now, I've gotta fly - I've got just over an hour to make the box o'goodies, get dressed, dress the kids, and pack the nappy bag, and make a shopping list. Yikes. Not very much time at all!


Forget about the Mother in Law, and get Sarah ready for the Hilton (if ya know what I mean, wink wink)!
YAY for romance...xoxoxo

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