Hormones - who needs them?

I mean, REALLY! 
When you're a teenager, they're bound to get you into trouble. When you're in your twenties, they cloud your judgement more than liquor. After you get married, they never show up when they're supposed to, and when they do grace you with their attendance, it's never the right time. And after you've got kids? Forget about it. No predictability whatsoever. Or is there...?
I've been having these insane mood swings. One week I'm tripping on happy hormones, and then 3 weeks later, I want the purple Kool-Aid. (I actually do like purple Kool-Aid, but not the special kind. ) A good friend pointed out that perhaps these changes were due to hormones - as they happen at about the same time each month. Bright as the sun light bulb comes on, et Voila! An explanation of why my mood tanks every 4 weeks.
So, mystery solved. It does feel a bit better being able to predict, with some regularity, when I'm going to want more potato chips than any one person should eat in a lifetime. Not that I've ever done that or anything.
The girls are getting so big, it's amazing. Charlie is mostly dry during the daytime, so next we'll move on to night time. She's so funny, with the things she says, and does. She's got an amazing imagination.
Pippa is talking a bit more, although not in a way that anyone else would understand. Her skin is clearing up well, although if she gets hold of something by accident she tends to flare up quickly.  Oh, and she drinks from a cup now, too!
I'm travelling well, although I think I've come down with the local gastro bug. :-( Nothing dramatic, just irritating.
Don't have much else to say at the moment. I'm going to sit down with some tea, and wait for this bug to pass.


Amanda said…
I hope you are feeling better soon... it is NO fun to be stuck to your bathroom for a day. Or two.

I wouldn't know about the hormones thing, that doesn't happen to me.

NOT! :)

Be well girl...

Anonymous said…
Since you're talking about hormones I thought you were using a euphemism when you said, "The girls are getting so big, it's amazing."

And then I realized you were talking about your children.

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