So tired!

We had a rough night here. I'm still not sure what it was all about, but Pippa was so unsettled. It's really rare for that to happen, so when it does it's a shock to the system. I tried everything, and in the end, I think she just got so tired that she gave up and fell asleep. With me. You don't necessarily want your children to be upset, but I generally don't get a lot of snuggles with Pippa - and as hard as it was to snuggle her when she was crying, it is quite lovely waking up with her beside me, safe and content.
A few errands to run today, and some laundry to catch up on. Some phone calls that need to be made, some shopping and menu planning that need to be done, and of course, housecleaning. It looks like a gray, dreary day, perfect for staying indoors and relaxing. Maybe even baking something from one (or both) of my new cookbooks! Or going to the shops and redeeming my gift voucher for a CD or two! Whatever we do today, I'm in a thankful frame of mind.
I'm enjoying a huge cup of tea, in my new mug that I got for my birthday. I love mugs/teacups. I really like big ones, and my lovely sister-in-law and her family gave me a gorgeous mug that I've been wanting, but would never have bought for myself. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
This post is a bit disjointed, and probably not at all funny - I'm in a strange headspace today. Not a negative headspace, just strange. Just getting back into the swing of things after being away. :-)
I'd better go finish this cup of tea, and get to it.


Amanda said…
You dont have to be funny every single time you write girl!!

Hope you get to bake something new then share it.. would love to hear about it!

Feel well sweety.


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