Not a lot of common sense happening on my end

I've always had a 'flighty' characteristic to my personality. My primary school teachers always had something to say about it on my report cards. One teacher said to my dad, "Sarah... doesn't think like other kids. She'll almost always have the right answer, but she'll get there a completely different way." And she was totally right about that. Like when I was diagnosed with double vision, and when my dad asked me why I never said anything, I told him I thought it was normal. I remember my thinking went like this: I've got two eyes, so of course I'd see two images. Doesn't anyone else see the logic in that? It simply didn't occur to me that it could be different. I remember in 2nd grade, taking a math test, I was sitting there thinking about how I wanted to know WHY two and two made four. Who decided that? And how do we know they were right? When I was in 4th grade, I wanted to do a whole research project on boogers. Yes, Boogers. Like why sometimes they are different colours. And what do they look like under a microscope? What are boogers made of? This is just a sample of how my mind works. I long ago gave up the notion of studying boogers, never fear!
Even as a teenager/young adult, there were times when the painfully obvious escaped me, and I took 'the road less traveled by'. Like the time when we saw fuel tanks being dug out of the ground, and I asked the question - are the old ones empty?. To my credit, I'd never seen tanks dug out before or filled up before. Why I would think that they had to replace the tanks whenever they were empty, I don't know. But I did.
And then there was the time I was riding in the car with my dad, just thinking to myself. I was 19 years old. And this is what came out next:
Me: You know, I don't think they use the same groundhog every year.
Dad: (Trying not to laugh, with his eyebrows raised to his hairline) Oh? Why do you say that?
Me: Well, I don't know how long a groundhog lives, but if it was the same one, he'd be pretty old. The original groundhog probably died a long time ago.
Dad: Huh. You're probably right about that.
To my dad's credit, at the time he totally didn't make fun of me. Later, once we could laugh together about it, he totally teased me about it. But at the time, he just accepted me and all my randomness.
I could go on and on about how weird my mind works sometimes, but I think the point has been made.
I'm marching to the beat of my own drum. And I've long learned that if I try to march with someone else's drum, I'll trip and fall, taking out the entire percussion section with me!


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