Doing the best that I can do

For every opinion out there, there is an opposing view. Or maybe not opposing, but just differing. And I totally respect the right to those opinions. But that means that I respect my own right to my own opinions and choices as well.
Eczema sucks. My kids never stood a chance, really. With both parents having eczema, asthma, and various food allergies, it's not surprising that they both have all of those either diagnosed or are exhibiting symptoms. I've tried to control their diet, which has helped with the food intolerances. I've changed to a washing powder that's designed for sensitive skin. I've stopped using fabric softener. I've tried more creams and lotions than you can imagine. And periodically, they have perfect skin. But here's the rub. They both also have various external allergies. Dust and grass, for sure. And no matter what I do, I can't prevent that. I will not bubble-wrap them and keep them indoors, even if it means they get itchy. To deprive them of the joy they get from being outside and getting dirty feels cruel. Yes, they get itchy. I can deal with itchy. Maybe some people don't agree with using cortisone and antihistamines, but I can tell you that using them makes a vast improvement in their little lives. It means that they can be outside with their dad, playing on the swings, digging in the dirt, and playing in the sandpit. It means that they can go to playgroup and creche, where sometimes it's a bit dusty. It means that they get to be children. And I just won't take that away from them.
The thing about eczema is that it's so visible. Which means that everyone has an opinion they want to share about how to cure it. It's bewildering, to say the least. One person swears by Pinetarsol. One person swears by sorbolene. The next person swears that only goat's milk/regular soap will work. I have tried many, many, many things. It's always something new. But right now, I just need to go with what we're doing, and to be honest, I'm pretty confident that it's the best that I can do.


What's wrong with bubble wrap? xoxox Love you bunches!
Amanda said…
Girl... I have the WORST eczema you have ever seen. Or at least, I did.

I did research on natural methods of healing it.. the creams and rubs and steroids dont work... and I also use RoBthol. It is WONDERFUL. I also have used that with my kids and it has shown dramatic differences in their skin. You CAN fight it!! And win!! Seriously..


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