
I couldn't think of a title for today. So there.
We're back in our little home, and I think the time away did us all a world of good. I talked to a friend of mine from playgroup today, and she said I sounded so refreshed. I do feel that way, I suppose.
We've implemented a new schedule that despite my initial protestations and crankiness, has made things run a lot more smoothly. I try not to get too bent out of shape when things don't go according to schedule, but old habits die hard. Like this morning, I set the alarm on my phone for 6AM, because that's the time I've chosen to start my day, but because I never changed the actual time on the phone to allow for daylight savings, I didn't get up until 6:30. (mine still said 5:30). But we shifted, and it's all good. Also, Philippa doesn't always feed at the time that I want, so I allow for that too. But it's helpful, to have the day broken up into chunks that way. It makes the day, and its associated tasks and events, not so overwhelming. So I only have to focus on one thing at a time, and not be thinking about 4:30pm when I'm still in 9:00am.
We've moved Pippa's cot out of the bedroom, and she sleeps much better that way. Which means I sleep much better. Which means I'm not a crankypants momma as often.
We're having steak, salad, and baked potato tonight, so I've got to get to the shop to get some lettuce, because we're almost out. Plus, there are clothes all over the bed which have been deemed "my job for today" , so I'd best get to it while the kids are asleep and my 'helper' isn't available to help.


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