Ah... yeah

Charlie is so overtired today - she may actually get in 3 naps. She's got some broken skin between her toes, and goes berserk when I even look at it, let alone try to put medicine on it. Lachlan will have to help me by holding her down so I can get at it to clean it.
Philippa is a bit sick, with some congestion. So the immunisations are postponed again. At this rate, she'll be due for the 6-month ones before we ever get to her 4 month ones. I put it off, because her 4 month lot fell during school holidays, and no way was I going to go during school holidays. Plus, I'd done the same with her 2 month ones, and I didn't want them to be too close together.
Sometimes I find my 'job' enjoyable, and sometimes I get so bored with the mundane-ness of it all. My biggest challenges are getting red crayon off the wall (turned out to be easy-peasy shampoo- squeezy with the help of this product), and not eating the entire bucket of sugar cookies I just baked yesterday (more challenging by far, despite the fact that there are 6 dozen of them!).
Anywho, Charlie is awake now, so I'm going to get her up and hope that she's in a better mood.
She is, but Pippa is a bit stroppy now.
I'm in a place where I can't seem to get started today. A place where I can't be bothered cleaning anything, because it's just going to get messy again. A lonely place, where I want to eat so much chocolate my eyes turn brown. Hopefully I'll snap out of it.

Takeaways for dinner tonight, as Lachlan's got a meeting. If I'm doing the whole bath/bed thing on my own, then I'm not even going to try to cook. I'm thinking the noodle house sounds pretty good, or maybe some fish & chips?
Gotta go get one of the kids up - talk to you later!


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