My girls

How cute are they?!?

On a somewhat unrelated note, I have a 'reality check' tip that I'd like to share with you all. Don't bother cleaning fingerprints off of anything until your kids have gone to bed. For the night. Because that's the ONLY time they will stay gone. Yes, you'll be asleep so does it matter really, which it does to me because I'm a bit of a neat freak these days, but it will be clean. At least until the morning. But that's the beauty of a new day - we get to start all over again. Yesterday's fingerprints make no difference to today.


Anonymous said…
oh they are soooo cute!!!!! Like to see more pics of pippa. Glad to see you are doing better.
Heath Hile said…
your not a neat freak, your OCD, you've always been OCD

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