Back to Basics

My children and I love a good routine. It's just how we are. There's nothing wrong with that, and I won't apologise to anyone for it. The only time we (and by we I mean me) have a problem is when I mess with the schedule. Like forcing Charlie to stay awake so we can go to playgroup or Bible study. Then she's overtired, sleeps too early, and gets crazy in the evening, which stresses me out beyond belief. Or when I'm out and Pippa doesn't sleep - which makes her overtired, and cranky, and she doesn't want to feed properly, so then she's hungry, and you get the picture. So here's the thing: I'm not messing with naps any more. Yes, it's a pain in the rump to schedule our outings around sleep times, but the insanity that ensues from disrupted sleep is so much worse. This is only for a short time, and someday the girls will be big and I'll be able to look back and remember how much better it was because we weren't cranky and tired all the time. I enjoy the girls so much more when we're all rested. Which we are, because what we've settled into is a 10:00 nap time for everyone, including Mummy. With the exception of today, because  today is playgroup day, and I'm trying something a bit different - give Charlie a morning sleep a bit earlier, with the idea that she'll last until 2:00 for another sleep. We'll see. If it doesn't work, then I'll just have to not go to playtime for the time being. And maybe I'll start inviting people to our place for socialising, instead of going everywhere.
I think Charlie is going to be a little singer/dancer - she loves to sing along and dance along to videos - we just got one from the library called Fairy Dancing, and she wants to watch it over and over again. At this point, I'm just happy it's not the Wiggles!


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