Today's events

To Do:
Pick up photos
Make immunisation appointment for Pippa
Mop kitchen floor
hang out washing
Buy salad ingredients
Take Pippa to Chemist to be weighed
Doctor's appointment
Bible study
Dinner tonight:

Mountain-class pizza (pizza with heaps of toppings)
Tossed Salad
Garlic Bread
So hopefully, my toddler will wake up her normal self, which will make doing all this stuff that much easier. She vomited again last night (on Lachlan), after the teeth brushing. She was off her food all day, so she might be coming down with something.
I fell over the stupid gate at the bottom of the stairs last night . I ended up taking the whole fall on my knees, as I was holding Pippa at the time and my arms were busy hanging on to her. I also shoved Charlie out of the way so I didn't fall on her. Scared the living daylights out of her. But we're all okay, apart from my carpet-burned and very sore knees. At any rate, I've got to go shower and dress while it's quiet, to start the day.


Heath Hile said…
-- Take Pippa to Chemist to be weighed --

the the American counterpart?
and if none, why?
that'd be like take my dog to the Luthier.

Love Heathman.

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