Can anyone out there tell me?

What does it mean to love yourself unconditionally?The whole concept is confusing to me. I know how to love my family, but loving myself? I don't get it. Is it something simple or is it something complex. Anyway, that's what I'm meant to be working on for the next couple of weeks. Loving myself unconditionally, and without judgement.
Something else I've discovered is that in wanting to be passionate about what I do -  I am passionate about what I do - it's just a quiet passion. It's not public, it's private. What drove my passion for other jobs was the recognition I got from other people. Well I might not receive recognition and awards like I did at my other jobs, but there are rewards. They are in the small things, like when I'm watching my girls play together. When Charlie eats all the dinner I've prepared for her. When Pippa smiles at me, content and happy and secure. When Lachlan says "Great pizza, Sar". When the girls are safe in bed, and Lach and I get some time together. It's not the same as being taken out to lunch, or being presented with a medal. It's an unseen recognition. Intangible. But it's there, if I just choose to accept it.
In other news, the staying home tactic to child-rearing is working for us. Philippa is much more settled, although she's got a cough at the moment. Downtown Charlie Brown is much happier, because she's well-rested. We limit her outings to Saturday coffee with Mum, and outings with Dad to the beach, her favorite place in the whole wide world. She's not overtired anymore, and it's lovely.
We're doing late-night shopping tonight, to do the Christmas lay-by (I can't remember what it's called in the US - layover, AH-HA -it's layaway). At any rate, we're doing it all at one time, and getting all the Christmas shopping done in one blow.  So that will be done, except for paying it off.
We might have to have takeaway again, because it will be late by the time we get home. But Subway, I think - it's a bit lighter than the noodle house. I'll have to consult with Lachlan on this, though.
Anyway, I'd better get on with the day - laundry needs to be hung, floors vacuumed, dishes to be washed. Plus some shopping (Yay! I love shopping!) to be done a bit later.


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