Having some time off

Or maybe it's a sort of working holiday, I suppose. The girls and I have come to visit Lachlan's parents for a week, as well as to catch up with some girlfriends. The first night started out okay, but when it was time to sleep - wow, did I cop an earful from my youngest. She screamed on and off for 3 hours. That might not seem like a long time, but when you're in the thick of it, especially when you are at someone else's house, it's an eternity. I kept trying to feed her, but she didn't want it. Teething? Pain in the belly? She's not done a poo since Saturday, so maybe that's it. Anyway, with a bit of bed hopping, we settled down. Started with Charlie in the portacot, Pippa was going to sleep with me in the bed, and it ended up with Pippa in the portacot and Charlie in the bed with me. I'd be falling asleep, then be awakened by a small finger up my nose. (Not my finger, folks!) The next night was awesome, with both girls going to sleep with no problems at all. I did wake up with Charlie in bed with me, but I don't remember when that happened. Last night, we only had one hour of screaming. Then she finally went to sleep, but I was afraid to go to bed myself, and so wasted at least an hour of sleeping time. In the end, though - Pippa ended up in a cot in another room, Charlie was in the bed with me, and we all slept until about 6:30am. That's the longest stretch of sleep yet for Pippa. She's a bit cranky now, from a busy day, but she is asleep so hopefully will reset her grump-o-meter back to zero. Anyway, I'm doing okay. Being away from home is doing me a world of good, although I do recognise that I need help. So anyway, I'll write more about our mini-holiday when we get back.


Anonymous said…
happy anniversary

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