Well slap me happy...

Well, what do you know. Yesterday went EXACTLY as planned. With the exception of not watching all the Dr. Who episodes, which I can hopefully do this arvo when the girls are sleeping.  I don't know how, I don't know why - but I'm thankful. At exactly 4:01, we headed out of our spotless home, went to the library, picked up some more books for the kids, and 3 books for me - The Sicilian Kitchen, The Mediterranean Table, and Self-Publishing for Dummies. Also picked up a couple of dvds to watch - Three Kings, and The Girl in the Cafe. I'll watch them at some point. Anywhooo. Upon exiting the library, I rang up the pizza shop, ordered the pizzas, then drove to pick up Lachlan. We went to the pizza shop, and it was READY, then came straight home, cracked open the boxes, and dug in. Bathed the girls, dressed them for bed, brushed their teeth, and they were both in bed by 6:30, although Charlie took ages to go to sleep. This almost never happens for us, and when it does, it's absolutely incredible. So I sat quietly reading my book, and then Lachlan and I watched Twilight. It was a pretty good movie, and I can certainly see why it's so popular with teenage girls. I liked the story - I might have to read the books now, if they're available at the library. Can't wait to see how the next movie pans out.
Because my house was completely caught up yesterday, I don't have much to do today - which is good, as it's a busier day for us. Bible study at 10:00, then our marriage class at 5:00. It tends to be a late night for us all, but it's one night a week, and it's a good course so it's worth it.
In other news, I should be able to get the girls clothes out of layby on Monday - Hooray! They're wearing the same clothes right now, so we run out fairly quickly,
I need to go eat breakfast, and tidy up a bit before we head out to Bible Study. Lachlan might be coming home at lunch today, so I want the house to be looking good (he was so thrilled last night to come home to a clean house) if he does come home. Plus, I'm much happier when it's clean. :-)


Amanda said…
What Bible study are you doing???

Hope you are well dear girl!! Lots of blessings and prayers coming your way...

cardiogirl said…
I didn't realize the library carried the Fill-in-the-Blank for Dummies. I'm going to have to check out the Self-Publishing one for sure.

Isn't it crazy when things actually do go according to plan? It almost make me nervous when that happens because it's so rare.

Lastly, a tidy house really does contribute to my peace of mind. If the house is crazy my mind is chaotic. Funny how that is.

It sounds like a great day, glad to hear it!

p.s. What's the layby? Is the laundry mat? (American chick here.)
Sarah said…
Amanda, if I haven't told you already, we're doing a study of Genesis.

Cardiogirl, layby = layaway.

Thanks for the comments!

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