Henhouse Diaries, Day Two

Today has been a much better day. Charlie woke up at 5:20, but let me doze until 6:50. Much more reasonable. Not as many tantrums today, and we all had a siesta this afternoon. Even the potty training is a breeze today! No accidents, we got a #2 on the potty, and she even had a dry naptime! The girls even  cooperated long enough for me to clean things up, so now I'm just hanging out and getting ready to make dinner (I'm not even going to fess up as to what we're having!). Then we'll 'do' bathtime, and then bedtime. I'll chuck some laundry in the washing machine after they go to bed, and hang it out tomorrow morning. Not sure what tomorrow holds, but that's another day, for another post. Today has been a good day. Almost as if Viggo Mortensen himself dropped in to give me a pre-dawn speech, Return of The King style. Or Bernard Hill, also in Return of The King style. What can I say, I've been watching the trilogy, AGAIN.
At any rate, I'd better get dinner started, so these gorgeous girls of mine can be in bed at a reasonable hour.


Amanda said…
YEAH! I am glad that you can rest your head tonight and breath a sign of contentment. You done good today.

And you will tomorrow too.

Go mommy go!!!


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