Saturday mornings

This is probably my least favourite time of the week. Saturday mornings. The very thought fills me with dread. You see, Saturday mornings is when Lachlan goes to Landcare. And even though I understand, and appreciate his need to have some recreation after a week of work, it digs at me that it is Saturday mornings. If he went on Saturday afternoon, I wouldn't care so much. But Saturday morning could be my one opportunity to get some much needed sleep before facing the day.  Don't misunderstand - my irritation has nothing to do with the normal challenges of raising two children under the age of 3 - it's more to do with the fact that I feel as though my role in the big picture is undervalued. My need for sleep and recreation is somehow not as important. Whether that's because I am the stay-at-home parent, I don't know. What I do know is that someday, this will end. But until then- for me, Saturday mornings kind of suck. Now excuse me, I have to go clean up some poop.


Amanda said…
lol I;m sorry. That last line is FUNNY.

But seriously, I know how you feel... I mean, I REALLY do, and I am sorry. Feeling undervalued can really wear one down... but I want you to know that Feeling undervalued and BEING undervalued are totally different.

I hope that you guys can find a way to resolve the situation that validates you.

Cause you do rock you know.
What is Landcare? AND, I totally understand. I pretty much hate weekends period. It throws off my schedule and all i really want is sleep too....yet, I never get it.
Love you!

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