Normally, I'd be freaking out

but as I posted on Facebook today, I think someone spiked my english muffin with pethidine. Because I'm totally NOT freaking out. Allow me to explain...
My husband's parents are coming for a few days this next week - and as I'm still in "impress your in-laws mode", I tend to clean my house like a cyclone, except I leave it clean instead of making a mess. But this time, I don't know how I've managed to do it, I've been able to keep it clean all week. Which means that while I have to vacuum and mop the kitchen floor (which I have to do every 3 days anyway - floors are my housekeeping 'issue'), and perhaps chuck a load of washing in, that's it. Seriously! I've got two children under the age of three, and for the first time in months, my home doesn't look like it's been raided by pirates. Although I wouldn't object to finding Captain Jack Sparrow in my kitchen, I must admit!
The only thing I can think of is that I've found this feature on my mobile phone - it's an interval timer, which will let me program up to 10 intervals at a time. I've set them for 15 minutes each, and named each one as an area of the house - Bed1, Bed2, Bed3, Toilet/Bath, Laundry, Kitchen (that gets 30 minutes), Lounge (Living Room), Toyroom, Vacuum, and Desk.
So for example, what I did tonight:
Bed1 - made bed, put dirty clothes in hamper. Removed extraneous toys from room. Approximately 3 minutes.
Bed2 - moved cot/crib back to its rightful position, put away clothes pulled out by girls, removed extraneous toys from room. Approximately 5 minutes.
Bed3 - it was already good to go, so I just sprayed some air freshener.
Toilet/Bath - quick swipe and flush of toilet, packed up bath toys, hung bathmat up to dry, wiped counter and mirror. Put dirty clothes in hamper. Approximately 5 minutes.
Laundry - Whack a load in the washing machine, dump clean clothes on to bed to be folded later. About 3 minutes.
Kitchen - I tend to start in one spot and work my way around the kitchen counter-clockwise. Wipe the table, put dishes by sink. Wipe countertop, cooktop, stack dirty dishes neatly, clean out sink and drainboard. Wash the dishes, continue wiping counter (it's a J-shaped set of cabinets). Sweep floor, wipe off rubbish bin. Done. It actually only took about 15 minutes today.
Lounge - Remove extraneous toys, put books away. Today I had to fix the DVD player - I'm not sure how it happened,  *ahem- Charlie* but a Hi-5 dvd got jammed in there good and proper. put bibs back in the drawer of coffee table, teddy bears back on the shelf, dvds back in their cases, and done.
I didn't actually get to vacuum, because dinner had to be made. But that can wait until tomorrow, along with my desk. And the toyroom, well, I just chucked everything back into boxes so that the middle of the room was good to go. And now, I can sit down with a nice glass of moscato and just chill.
And that, my friends, is a beautiful thing.


Amanda said…
You are my hero for the day.





God bless-
the timer on my phone goes off to remind me to do things...not house things. Other things. Like, drink a cup of could totally use this to your advantage and write it off as "oooh, the timer told me to do it..." Because, I wouldn't know ANYONE who would do something like that... :)
Love you!

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