I Is Doing Stuff...

That's what Charlie Brown says when I ask her what she's doing, and it's something she shouldn't be doing.
So today, we have on order - some housework (surprised? NOT!), followed by a birthday party, and then hopefully a nap. A big fat nap, which will allow me to assemble the oh-so-awesome lasagne I'm making tonight. At least it looks pretty awesome in the book. If it is awesome, I'll post the recipe at my other blog, LoveCookLaugh. Because I love some lasagna. Oh my, do I ever. But that's not parenting-related, so I'll save it for my food blog.
At any rate, I'm now being begged for "after-morning tea", and since we ate breakfast at 6am, I think we're all a bit hungry. :-)


Anonymous said…
I love the answers kids come up with when busted.

When I ask my 4-year-old that, she'll say, "Nothing. Go back into the kitchen."

And that's when I tell her, "It sounds like something."

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