
We will not be sending Charlie Brown to preschool in January. Firstly, I'm not sure she got in because we didn't hear from them. Secondly, after observing her, I don't think she is ready. I wanted her to be, for several reasons, but we need to let her be a toddler for a bit longer. And as much as I was looking forward to having some one on one time with Pippa Jane, I'll still get that, and Pippa will be old enough to really 'do' some serious coffee dates with Mom!
I'm starting to get some framework for Charlie's birthday party - we've been a bit slack in the birthday department for her - I'm not looking to have a huge blowout with pony rides and a jumping castle, mostly because we just don't have the space for it, but I would like to have a little something for her so she can invite her little friends. I'd also like to attempt a theme - In the Night Garden - which is one of her favourite programs. Got to start looking on Ebay for stuff, I suppose. :-)
Pippa has finally got that fourth bottom front tooth - it took ages, and I think it's particularly bothersome, as she's not quite herself today.
Well, the tea's gone cold, and I think Pippa needs/wants her bottle - she's just come and said "Ba-ba" to me.
Taking a full-day attempt at toilet training again today.


Amanda said…
Sounds like you are making good choices! Great job mommy!

I have no idea what the "In the Night Garden" is... will have to do some research! (sounds lovely!)


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