Tuesday Night

I'm a sharer. I grew up in a family of sharers, and although I did not acquire this particular habit until adulthood, it is one I sometimes cherish, and sometimes regret. I often walk away from a conversation wishing I had not shared quite so much. But it just doesn't feel comfortable to hold it in. It's not me, and likely never will be. Tears, laughter, anger, disappointment, happiness - it all comes out at full-speed, with no filter.

I am a firm believer that a burden shared is a burden lightened. But the flip side to that is that if I'm the one who's always expecting others to share my burden, then it probably gets awfully heavy for them, and at some point, they can't carry any more. So sometimes I need to be available to lighten someone else's burden. And I am, but not everyone is comfortable sharing their load. Which is totally okay, but I can't be there for someone if they don't let me. I want to be though.

Yes, I've got issues, problems, and challenges to face. So does everyone else on the planet. I'm not saying mine are bigger or more important than others. I am just more open and communicative about it than most people. A sort of verbally emotional incontinence, if you will.

I guess what I'm trying to say is this:

I'm here for you. I probably can't solve your problem, but I can listen. I care about you, I care about what you are facing, whoever and wherever you are. Whether you choose to share it with me or not, I care very much.



Amanda said…
What a sweet and generous heart you have!! I am SOOOOO with you on the sharing part... I always tell more then I need to!

Hey...and I am here for you too!!

Amanda said…
Hey girl! How are you doing??? Hanging in there??? Just thinking about you and praying for MANY blessings!


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