Surprise, surprise...

I've never been much of a morning person. Until recently, I couldn't speak coherently until about 4pm. But slowly, steadily - a change has been creeping over me. I would still cherish the occasional sleep-in, don't get me wrong! But I look forward to morning with an enthusiasm that could only be considered bizarre. And that's without a giant cup of coffee, mind you! The only thing I do differently now is to start my day with God. I get up, make C some breakfast, grab a cup of tea, and sit down to start my daily devotion time. What I look forward to more than anything is reading God's word. And I think that's why I now love mornings. After that daily injection from the Lord, I feel as though I can move mountains. So I start my tasks with vigor, instead of dread. I still can't say I love to clean the kitchen, but I like that as I do it, I am praising God. I like the notion that everything I do, I want it to be an act of worship. Worshipping by scrubbing toilets, by singing hymns to my children, by making a restful, tidy haven for my family. Spending a couple of hours in the morning doing housework isn't exactly what I'd call a good time, but it is no longer something that I dread and fear. Well, sometimes I fear it - but you'd be surprised what kinds of messes children can make!

Now if you'll excuse me, I'm off to worship God at my washing machine...


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