
I've got a to do list that's a mile long.
I've got two sick, cranky, kids who are Riverdancing on my last shred of sanity.
I've got a house that was astonishingly clean two days ago, and today looks like the 'before' on an episode of Clean Sweep.

None of it matters, because of the most important thing I do have. My hope in Jesus Christ. That one thing is so big, so bright, so all-encompassing, that the other things kind of fade away. That's not to say I don't have to deal with them, but rather that when I do deal with them, I'll be marching into battle behind the mightiest General who ever lived. I can almost identify with the Israelites marching around the walls of Jericho. And like those Israelites, I will conquer the mountain of tasks, the supreme irritability of my children, and even the mess that has invaded my home. With faith in a mighty God, with His love, and His perseverance.

Life is hard, but God? Is so very faithful. And because of that, I am blessed. No matter what the day holds, I am BLESSED!



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