Here's what's happening...

P has decided that she'd like to lose the nappies. Or at least start the process. I can only assume that's what she is trying to tell me by taking them off all the time. Either that, or I've got a future flasher in the making. She's been telling me about pee and poo for ages - I was just going to wait until summer, when it's warm enough for her to be sans pants. But she's pushed us ahead of schedule. Which is okay. I just have to adjust my thinking a bit, and schedule a couple of weeks in the near future (maybe during next school holidays) to do an intensive burst (no pun intended) of potty training. It's kind of a sick joke that she's learned and is beginning to use the word "no" at the same time as potty training.

The sleep thing. Finally, we've got P sorted out. Turns out, all she needed was a decent, consistent bedtime routine. She needs it much more than C ever did.

C's reluctance over bedtime was all about daytime naps. If we withhold the daytime sleep, she zonks of her own accord. But today, she really really needed to sleep. Oy, did she ever. As did I. So we'll just play it by ear for now. If she's truly tired, then off she goes. If she's just behaving badly, then I'll have to deal with that accordingly. It's such a fine line to walk! We're going to try and transition C to a single bed in P's room (at the moment, until we find an appropriate single bed, it's just a mattress), and possibly transition P to the toddler bed, leaving the other cot for the new baby after he/she has grown out of the bassinet. Although we might just keep P in the cot until she shows signs of trying to escape. She's kind of short, which buys us extra time. :-)

I'm pretty sure I'm feeling the baby move now. I'm so excited to find out whether we have a boy or a girl in there! L is coming with me this time around to the ultrasound, so we'll both get to find out at the same time. I just have to organise someone to look after P for that morning. I learned that lesson the hard way with C during P's ultrasound. We've already decided on a name for a boy, and have a short list of girls' names. It's hard, because there are so many names that we like!

We've had an invasion of ants lately - hugely annoying, but a bit of bug spray fixed them right and proper!

And now, my dear friends, I must go stare in wonder and amazement at my children, who are cuter than should be legal. :-)



Heather Junior is the perfect name! ;)

I'm glad things are better. And, good luck with the potty training...I have no idea how that works. Janson did it herself. And Jack, well...we won't go there! ;)

Much love and big hugs and all that joyful stuff.

Hi Lachie! Hi CB! Hi Pippa!

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