A Different Kind of Worship Service

This post is coming to you from my house. Where I will be spending church today. You see, my girls are not well, and as I take them to church by myself, and I'm pretty sure there's no creche today, I will not be taking them. So my Sunday worship service today will look a little different to normal.

First off, I'm wearing pajamas.

Second, I probably won't have a quiet time of prayer this morning. Instead, I'll be mentally thanking God for my two precious girls, and praying to the sounds of The Muppet Show.

Third, I will not be able to share a time of fellowship with my fellow believers. Instead, I'll be sharing fellowship with my girls, which may or may not take the following form: nose-wiping, cuddles, kisses, scolding, dvd-changing, singing, playing pretend, or sleeping.

My time of reflection on God's word will likely be accompanied by a soundtrack of sweet voices, crying voices, cartoon voices, demanding voices, whimpery voices, and will more than likely be punctuated by some bickering, some tantruming, getting drinks of water, snacks, changing nappies, and administering medicine.

Mostly, my worship will consist of giving myself over completely to the important task of nursing my babies back to health, and in doing so, I am offering myself up to God to mould as He will.

See you tomorrow,


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