Life Lessons

Plans are good. But you should always be ready to chuck them out the window and start over. Because life? Yeah, it doesn't always go to plan.

Yesterday I woke up, I had a plan. There was certainty in how my day would go. I would do X,Y,Z - and my day would go 1,2,3.

Enter sick children here.

Add P, who just wants to be held, C who can and will find her own entertainment if I am busy with P, and it results in more chaos and mess than I started with. The hardest part was in letting go of my plans, and letting the day unfold as it would. I stubbornly tried to persist in my plan, to power through, as it were. And it fell apart. I think when I came into the room as C was emptying my bookshelf, and then she showed me her latest carpet masterpiece (honey??), I cried out to Lord. Literally, which she responded to by saying "Mommy, you don't say that - you say "Praise the Lord!" - it's something I've taught her to say instead of Oh. My. God. She's not quite old enough to understand that my "Oh. My. Lord." was a literal cry for help, not an empty sentiment. Anyway, I sent her to her (our) room. I was shaking with frustration and anger, and couldn't deal with her rationally in that instant. I just lost the plot - I didn't know where to begin - everywhere I looked, there was something to clean - and my great and wonderful plan for the day had been shattered. Just when I was thinking of anyone I could call to come and help, the phone rang. It was a friend of ours from church, just ringing to see how we were going. Just like that. I incoherently started raving into the phone, and she said, "I'll be right over - we'll get it sorted."

And just like that, God answered a very desperate and heartfelt plea.

She came, and within an hour, everything was restored, and I was able to just sit down and hold P.

My darling husband went to the shop to pick up dinner ingredients, and when he came home he held P so I could prepare dinner.

I had run out of one of our fever medications, and rang a dear friend to see if she had any - she did, and I would have gone to get it but she offered to bring it to me. On her way here, she passed the chemist up the road which was open - and she stopped and bought some more.

He helped me turn the lounge room into a sick room, by bringing a mattress out for me so I could sleep with P in case she had restless sleep. He slept with C, so I wouldn't have to wake her by possibly getting up in the night.

So... what did I learn from yesterday? Sometimes God has other plans, and I need to let them happen. Because as it not so surprisingly turns out, His plans are way better than mine. And that I will never stop needing to learn the lessons He has to teach me.

Now - excuse me, because P has taken her pants off again, and I've got a kitchen to clean. Or not, if the plan changes. *wink*



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