One thing at a time

That's all I can do. For starters, I'll finish this update and then walk away from the computer for the day. Because I'm up to my eyeballs in snot, fevers, medicine, and attitude, and will only get frustrated if I try to do anything that doesn't involve giving my undivided attention to my girls today. We have to go to the chemist, for more sick people supplies, and I'm not looking forward to it. Especially, my wallet isn't looking forward to it. Why do children's medicines have to be so expensive??? Anywho, we'll also combine that with a trip to the grocery store, so I can get things for dinner. Or we might just have pizza, since it's cheap pizza night at the local pizza chain.

Last night was interesting. C was really feverish - 39.3 (102.7), and after stacking two different fever reducers, it finally came down. But she was having fever dreams, so she was really restless. P went to bed okay, but woke up with a fever 38.2 (100.7), and after some sponging, some fever reducer, and a drink of water, went back to bed. I was watching Masterchef (hooray!!!), and when that ended I finished the washing up and went to bed. L was working on something involving maps, but carried C to bed where she was muttering something about watching "the cooking", until we explained that it was all finished.

Then this morning, guess who else woke up with a slight fever?

Yep. Me too.

So to recap: C is staying home from preschool today, P has what looks like green slugs descending from her nose, and we've all got froggy throat and fevers to varying degrees. In spite of having a quiet day at home, I'm going to attempt to keep the house neat and tidy. Which means that I really should end this and get up and start the day. I don't really feel like the day is started until we're all dressed, the beds are made, and the washing machine is going (because it's ALWAYS going!). So ta-ta for now, and I'll talk to youse guys later.



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