And the other side of that coin...
You know how a few weeks ago, I was all excited because the kids were happy, I felt good, the house was clean, and I was gushing sparkly rainbow fairies from every orifice? Well, we've come half-circle from there. Kids not listening, house is a dump, I feel absolutely without energy, drive, or power to change any of it. I'm not enjoying cooking as much as I normally do, I just find it to be another thing on my list. The list that never, ever, ever, gets finished. The list, that when viewed at 10:30 at night, screams what a failure I am, because it's not finished. What has changed in just a few weeks? I don't know. I just pray that the mojo comes back shortly. Because my brain hurts from the noise, mess, and lack of sleep. In the meantime, can someone send some chocolate my way? XOXO, Sarah