No more excuses

I ran today. Not very fast, and not very far, but I jogged. And lived to blog about it. You see, I've been saying for ages that I'd love to be able to run someday. And I think the picture I had in my head was one of a runner - you know, someone who regularly does marathons. But here's the thing: everyone has to start somewhere. I was watching The Biggest Loser last night, and there is this woman, Amanda, who is very overweight. They all are, but she has the dubious title of being the heaviest female contestant ever. And she ran (as best as she could) up a hill. So this morning, I was walking, and I was thinking of this, and I just thought, "so why can't I do it? What's holding me back?" So I jogged to the end of the block. and then when I stopped wobbling, I did it again. And I'm going to keep on doing it, because (can you keep a secret?) --I liked it. I'm going to quit with the excuses already. I can't afford a gym membership? So what. I'll use bottles filled with water or sand. I'll take Charlie to the park and chase her around. I'll dance to Wiggles videos (with the blinds drawn, naturally).
I'm tired of being this way, and as a very wise friend said to me, long ago, "If you always do what you've always done, you'll always be exactly where you are" (at least I think that's how it went). So I don't want to be where I am? Then I'm going to do something about it.
And nothing screams "new life" more loudly than a drastic haircut. So this morning, while Charlie was watching television, I went into the bathroom, combed out my hair, pulled it into a ponytail at the nape of my neck, and, armed with the scissors, started sawing away. It's still in a ponytail, but it's no longer hanging down my back. As soon as I get a camera, I'll put a picture up. I probably cut off about 8 inches. Probably should have had someone else do it, but it's too expensive.
Anywho, I've got things to do, so I can't hang around here all day, boring you with the details. See  you later!


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