Freaky Factoid Friday - the nutrition edition

Two things I've learned this week (and not from my feminine products)
#1: Apples are more efficient than caffeine at waking you up in the morning. I am not sure why this is, but I can tell you that apples have a relatively low glycemic index, which means the natural sugars are released more slowly into the bloodstream, which means you have longer lasting, more consistent energy. Now, if you have your coffee like I do, which basically means that with all the milk and sugar it really isn't coffee any longer, then you get the caffeine hit plus that sugar rush which can only come from 6 sugars (and yes, I know that this is a BAD thing). But 30 minutes later, you feel like the walking dead. So you just drink more caffeine to sustain you. This is how companies like Starbucks can get away with charging 5 dollars for coffee. Because we NEED it!
#2. Frosted Flakes (or Frosties, as they are called here) have a lower glycemic index than say, pita bread. The book I discovered this in says it's because of the way they're made. I say - Dude, I've got to include some of that in my low GI diet! I love Frosties! I always said they should be a health food!


I am on the way to Kroger to get Frosted Flakes NOW!!!
And, Sadly, I gave up coffee. I figured that maybe drinking 2 entire pots before noon was doing bad things to my stomach...just a hunch?! So, I'm now drinking tea. It's sadly, not the same. The only thing the same is that it's hot. *sigh* Smoochers!
Anonymous said…
Oh yeah sis n law had to get Ma involved on this one..LOL can't have you picking on They have this frappicino that is java outta this world..and I never liked coffee. The venti size is huge and it is sooo good. Hope all is going well with the healthy eating though for real..your brother n law in Indiana

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