Feeling a bit better about things

I knew even as I was writing this morning, that it was just rubbish. But if you've ever been in that kind of head space, you know that you don't think rationally. Here's my take on things:
Satan is afraid of me. He's afraid of what I can accomplish if I am left alone. He is terrified of this new, energised, and fired up Sarah. So he and all his little friends are having an all-nighter down in you-know-where, cramming like university students before a final exam, just pounding away at my brain. Telling me lies, lies, and more lies, to get me to quit and give up. Making me angry and bitter, resentful and sullen. So my children don't have a mother who shows them the love of Jesus. So my husband can say 'if that's what a Christian is like, forget it!' And I'm not having it. Knowing this gives me the edge - I can keep this in mind when I feel myself going into a dark space. I know that God loves me. I know it. So when the lies start coming? I'll just say, "Hey God, can you answer the door? I'm kind of busy." I WILL do this work for the church. I WILL be an example to my husband and children. And I WILL live my life for God. So there!
Thanks for bearing with me,


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