Charlie is doing something weird, Philippa hates peas, and finally, some rain!

She woke up this morning, and all morning, kept saying 'messy room' or 'room hurt' or 'naughty fan messy' or 'big mess' or 'trouble mess'. It's a bit funny, but she wouldn't go into the playroom all morning because 'mess hurt', or something like that. When she woke up from her nap, the first thing she said was 'messy room', and I had to lead her by the hand to show her that I had in fact cleaned up the mess. I should add that this is a mess that she herself had made. So what's up with that? Is she going to develop OCD or something like that? Why is she all of a sudden so freaked out by mess? I dont' get it.
Philippa does not like peas. She gagged them down, and spewed them back up. This is a characteristic of my dad's, which I'm sure he taught her in heaven before she was born. I can just see the two of them, conspiring and giggling.
Feels like rain today, which would be nice. Chicken Korma for dinner, which I love.
Yeah, it's definitely going to rain. the wind is picking up, and the sky is all gray.


Anonymous said…
"Is she going to develop OCD or something like that? Why is she all of a sudden so freaked out by mess?"

I hope not. My 3-year-old is very much the same way. I have no idea why she is so particular but she is. And lots of stuff has to be in the right order before bedtime.

Ugh, I don't want to call them rituals, but I suppose I need to call a spade a spade.

Good luck.
Sarah said…
Thanks for the comment - thinking about it some more, she's probably just becoming a 'cleanie' like her dad is. It's nice to know that it's not just my child who has her quirks! Good luck to you too!

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