Another milestone

Well, we made it to nearly 27 months of age without a visit to the emergency department. Until today, that is. I wasn't in the room, so this is secondhand - Lachie said that Charlie was messing with the stick holding up the window, and BAM (and not the Emeril Lagasse kind of BAM) stick goes bye-bye, window comes crashing down, onto her fingers. To my untrained eye, it looks as though she had two, maybe three broken fingers - but I'm not a doctor or a nurse. I can report that it seemed as though it hurt - a lot. She was hysterical crying, which she doesn't do. Angry tears, yes. Tired tears? You bet. Hysterical? Never. Lachlan's taken her to the hospital, but I haven't heard anything just yet. I wish I could be there for her, but I couldn't get the house locked up quickly enough and I was in the middle of feeding Philippa a bottle. So now I'm stuck here, just waiting for some scrap of news.


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