I have to tell you this...

Saturday morning I took the girls for coffee, and the most amazing thing happened. We got there, and I put Charlie on a seat, and went to get a highchair, put Pippa in the highchair, got a second highchair, put Charlie in it, and then went to stand in the queue to order. I was looking at my two girls, just sitting there (Charlie was pretending to read the menu, calling out random numbers and saying, "Um, babycino") and it was such a precious moment. I couldn't help but beam at them. So I ordered, and then I sat down, and started feeding Pippa her porridge. We were just sitting there, chatting about different things, and this wonderful woman leaned over to our table and said "You are such a good mum!" I was floored. I know you all tell me over and over again that I am, but to hear it from a stranger? Somehow, it's like I've never heard it before. So I was chatting a bit with her, and before she left, she made the comment that I must be so organised to be able to go on an outing like that with two small children. I thought I was going to explode with embarrassment. I don't take compliments well, I never have. But in that instant, it just made me explode with pride. In that millisecond, I actually believed what everyone has been telling me all along. That I am a good mother. End of story. No buts, no justifications, no excuses. I am a great mother. Not perfect, but great. And all for the price of a cup of coffee, two babycinos, and a couple of scones with jam and cream.


God seems to always put the right people in our path when we need it the most, huh? Guess I should listen to my own advice! ;)
Love you muchly!

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