Thank you

to everyone who responded to yesterday's email. Just as I wouldn't criticise another mother's choice for her children, I should be confident in the way I parent. I am only doing what I feel is best for all of us. Maybe the woman yesterday was having a bad day. Maybe she didn't realise she was being a bit unkind. Maybe. Whatever her story, she cared enough to speak her mind, however uninformed and misguided she may have been. I think it was just the shock of having a complete and total stranger berate me in a public venue. I'm over it now though, and can happily report that life goes on.
I am very tired today, as I had a 4AM wake up call. Pippa Jane went to bed a bit early last night, and as a result, woke up a bit early. So I did not go walking at 6AM, like I normally do. I'm in a state of mind now that requires massive infusions of coffee. Seriously, like I could so go live in Colombia right now. Or get a job at the Coffee Club. **Side note - Charlie pulled a sheet of paper out today, and was pretending to read the "menu" while ordering a "cino". She also asks to go shopping every day. Well, I hear someone awake, so I'd better go before something icky happens...


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