
I woke up just before 6 this morning. Since the girls were still asleep, I decided to get up and enjoy a peaceful cup of tea. Charlie woke up first, so I made her breakfast, which she didn't really want until later. I got Pippa up, and she had a tub of yogurt for breakfast, followd by a bottle. I've planned the menu for next week, and I'm coming up with a first draft of a 'to do' list for today. Now, at 8:32, we're all awake and dressed. I've got 'Turkish Delight' by David Crowder Band (I think that's what they're called) on the cd player, and we're going to start what I like to call our life for today. This will involve breaking up love-fests, scolding, time-outs, trips to the 'naughty seat', tears, sleep? Refusal of food, nappies, bottles, 'accidents', it will definitely include the word NO, probably about 500 times or so, sweeping, mopping, cooking, wiping, planning our shopping on Monday, playdough, coloring, the Charlie 500 as she makes laps around the house on her little bike, kisses, cuddles, "MommyDaddy", brushing of teeth, baths, medicine, vitamins, laundry, and milkyjuice, which is Charlie's way of saying she's thirsty.  
What it will not involve is the following:
I had this list, but it's easier just to say, anything intended to soothe, calm, relax or be enjoyed by yours truly. Although I do enjoy the cuddles and kisses.
I know that this stage will pass, and I will miss it when it goes. I am not wishing it away. I suppose I just wish I could learn to handle it better, emotionally and physically.


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